How useful would you think a machine that could build literally anything one could imagine be? When I say build anything I mean BUILD ANYTHING, a rocket ship to go to Mars, a pile of gold, solar panels, replacement body parts using stem cells and hormones as the raw materials, it could even build a copy of itself and self repair.
The first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about this is what the hell would I do with my time? There would be no need to work. Why do we work? So we could buy the shit we need. That’s why I work anyway. I would study for sure. Maybe I would get an M.D. or PhD. I would spread the wealth. No need to be greedy. I would print water purification devices / wells for those who need them. I would also print copies of the machine for my friends and family with one condition: Anyone could get the machine but they would have to agree to print at least one copy for someone else. I have to admit this idea of how to handle the supplying of the devices isn’t my own, but its a damn good one.
What would you do with your machine? What would you do with your time? Would you be so philanthropic?
This will be a multi-part series and I’ll go into greater detail about the machine and the technology behind it. Buckle your chin straps boys and girls and get ready for Friday 11/20/15 when I put out the next installment.